About Huespring
Building a Network

At this time, the application process for cohort two is now closed. If you would like to be notified of future opportunities, please complete our general interest survey.
The requirements to be a scholar are identifying within the LGBTQ+ community, being an early career professional (less than 3 years professional experience) or looking to move into a new professional field. Scholar must be able to meet with mentor, at minimum, one time per month. Applicant must attend all five speaker workshops (to be held in Omaha metro area).
Must identify within the LGBTQ+ community. Applicant should be at least a mid career professional (3-5 years of professional experience) and have demonstrated previous professional and personal leadership experience. Also must be able to meet with scholar at minimum, one time per month.
The Midlands Sexual Health Research Collaborative (MSHRC) is a multidisciplinary group housed in the School of Health and Kinesiology at the University of Nebraska Omaha. MSHRC’s mission is to conduct innovative research, provide evidence-based education, mentor students and sexual health professionals, and engage the community in initiatives to support sexual health and well being.